MOLeg’s Open Enrollment pushes DEI.
How Missouri Legislators are carrying water for the woke (critical consciousness) movement into public schools and charters.
Senator Andrew Keonig’s Open Enrollment bill, SB 5, forces DEI into the public schools and charters.
House Rep, Brad Pollitt’s Open Enrollment bill, HB 253, also pushes the “Diversity Plan”.
They define the “Diversity Plan” as “a plan that is voluntarily adopted by a local school board to promote diversity…”
Sounds great right? Not if you understand what DEI really is.
Please listen to the James Lindsey Podcast, New Discourses on DEI. And while you are there, listen to his comments on SEL. SEL is “social-emotional learning” in which teachers are being trained to perform psychology in the classroom without a license or informed consent of the parents.
As we read the proposed legislation (both Pollitt’s HB 253 & Koenig’s SB 5), we can see further down where it states that a district will have to create a “model policy” created by the “department”, REGARDLESS if the district partakes in open enrollment.
The “department” is DESE who is the root of the problem. This legislation implements more shackles on public education with bureaucratic bloat for DESE to administer.
(Note: DESE stands for Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education)
Open Enrollment is a big push for Charter schools. Missouri Charter schools have become a hot bed for DEI over the last decade.
Here are just a few examples. Note that Anti-Racism is an ideology that states that it is okay to discriminate against some races in order to prop up other races through equity.
Another example:
“The underlying goal… is to effect social change.”
Make no mistake, their underplaying goal is not to teach phonics, grammar, math, history, science, it’s to use DEI to create change, a communist change.
Anti-racism is an ideology that is a pushed by proponents of discrimination like Ibram X. Kendi.
“The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”
This is DEI. The idea that you can only be inclusive if you accept these ideas. And if you don’t? Then you are purged in increments for not aligning to these divisive affirmations. We are seeing an increase recently with workplace trainings on micro-aggression, DEI, etc.
Check out the many podcasts by James Lindsey on the subject.
Who also advocates for DEI and runs charter schools nationwide?
KIPP Charter Schools. They are owned and operated by Teach For America’s Wendy Kopp.
KIPP Charter Schools train teachers with DEI on steroids. Yet, our legislators put them on a pedestal over rural conservative schools.
Staff Diversity:
What is Culturally-Relevant Curriculum?
Here are some of their DEI priorities. These are the Charters that Republicans are supporting and want to expand??
You can read more about them here:
What does TFA advocate for?
Keonig’s SB 5 has been pushing Charters and even went as far to write in an NGO Board riddled with lobbyists and special interests (which was pointed out in a recent substack by this author).
You can read more about it here. ⬇️
For the last decade, the Missouri State Legislators have been expanding Charter Schools and their funding.
Missouri Charters on average are not out performing the average public schools. Charter schools also are not accredited by DESE like Public schools.
Charters close at rapid rates only benefitting the corporations that started the organizations.
This author has not seen Missouri legislators ever call into question the divisive content that these charter schools push. The majority of students are from minority groups, begging the question if this population of students is being used for neoliberal corporate gain.
Who are these NGOs using minority groups for private gain? Read more about it in this article about the backer of Show-Me Institute funding groups like CEAM, who push TFA neoliberal DEI. ⬇️
These Charters are funded with State tax dollars yet do not align with the morals and values of the entire state.
While some Charters in the urban community have become a safer option, it begs the question why the city schools are not safe and have not been a priority to the local and state leaders to improve. Their local tax dollars have been redirected to corporation TIFs and Tax Abatements.
Funding will not necessarily improve public schools as the case of Kansas City has proven. We have to get to the root.
As we have seen in New Orleans, Charters are not going improve education, and can lead to dismantling once thriving communities.
Look up “A Perfect Storm: The Illusion of Choice Episode 2”
This is the choice illusion, similar to ObamaCare. You can keep your school if you like it but there are other “choices” for you. Choices that the government will give you. How nice of them? Is that the free market they were telling us all about?
The national reps from NEA do not want want Local Control school boards standing in their way and support Open Enrollment with Charter Schools.
Are these groups working together?
How is forcing diversity in schools to create equity and include others in your school “voluntary”?
If your school doesn’t “voluntarily” offer open enrollment, the next step will be MANDATORY.
Here we have the Show-Me Institute, talking about their model legislation they create for mandatory open enrollment.
What is model legislation?
Make no mistake Show-Me Institute is working with neoliberals to expand their DEI Anti-Racist Charter Schools and are using Republicans to do it.
It now may come to no surprise that the representatives for Show-Me institute had an EPIC meltdown when a Conservative VOTED NO (along with many other republicans) on Pollitt’s HB 253.
Now we know why they were on the attack. It effects their pocket book. You can read more about it here:
Ask yourself, what is open enrollment solving? Who is trapped in their school district?
Conservatives once thought that the individual can bring themselves up by their own boot straps. Are the republicans now the party of welfare? The Obama version of School Choice?
Forcing communities to integrate is a divisive tool of communists. It is important that those that join a community live in that district and assimilate to its values.
We have seen how bussing in students into other districts has created a boiling point waiting to explode. You have children that take a bus at 4am in the morning to go to a community that they think they are not welcome in. This is a divisive tactic. This is DEI.